Monday, 16 April 2007

Easter Weekend

Very busy over Easter weekend, with a wedding at The Cutlers Hall in Sheffield, followed by a Sunday wedding out at Holdsworth House Halifax. Both the weddings were great fun, and we all enjoyed spectacular weather. My thanks to Naheed and Ghok for letting me take them around Sheffield city centre for a great photo shoot, the peace gardens resembled Blackpool, with kids running around playing in the fountains. Cutlers Hall is a fantastic venue, with splendid chandeliers and a grand staircase. Sunday was an early start for me, as I had to travel over to Halifax to shoot the Bridal preparations. Holdsworth House is a lovely venue sat in the middle of the pennines on the outskirts of Halifax, with its fine country interior and wonderful gardens. Again the weather was brilliant, a bit chillier than saturday due to a freshening wind, but Jennifer and Andrew enjoyed some wonderful sunshine as the wedding party enjoyed their drinks in the gardens. Thanks to both of them for being fun and for a wonderful day.

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