Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Post office Images in Print

Some images I posted earlier on my blog, have now been used for the post office magazine, nice to see a shot on the front cover , as well as a double page spread inside.

Tracy & Gareth Mount Pleasant wedding

Tracy and Gareth's wedding at Mount Pleasant near Bawtry. Weather was fantastic for them crisp and sharp with a brilliant blue sky. a lovely couple and great guests.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Our New Arrivals

We picked up our new house guests today, daisy and dillon are our 2 house rabbits. They are 8 week old french lops, they grow to the size of a small dog, here are some pictures of the 2 of them.

Friday, 15 February 2008

A few days away

Had a few days away, visiting relatives in the north of Scotland. Place called Alves near Elgin. The weather was glorious, sharp frosts in the early hours followed by sunshine and blue skies, in February as well. A few pictures from the visit.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Studio Black and White

I am currently shooting images for a local trio called Da vinci who specialise in operatic pop. The lads came into the studio for a shoot, then we will be doing an outdoor shoot once the weather picks up.

Commercial work

Have been very busy with some commercial work over the last couple of weeks, the latest shoot was for the front cover of the Royal mail magazine, the shoot was inside the main post office in Doncaster. The place was packed, mind you it certainly provided some entertainment for the pensioners and young mums. The images were shot with a Nikon D3 and a 70 200 vr, using a 2 strobe setup.